Comparators compare Data for a “given” state and an output is turned on if the “comparator” condition is true.

The following example shows a comparison for “equals to”.
In the above example if the “contents” of DW0 are equal to 25 (decimal) then output Q10.0 will be turned on. If the contents of DW 0 are not equal to 25 (decimal) the output Q10.0 will be off (status 0).

There are many different comparators, including EQUALS TO; GREATER THAN; LESS THAN; LESS THAN OR EQUALS TO; GREATER THAN OR EQUALS TO. The following example shows a comparison for “Greater than OR Equals to”. If DW 0 is Greater Than OR Equals to DW 1 then output
Q 10.0 will turn on (status “1”)